Friday, 22 October 2010


shot one: split screen of the girl's bedside clock, and the boy's watch. shot two: split screen of the girl in bed while the boy is eating breakfast (both are mid-shots) shot three: another split screen of the girl's bedside clock, and the boy's watch to show a new day. shot four: mid shot of girl in bed wearing different clothes to show that it is another day and the same for the boy who is eating breakfast.

shot five: split screen of the clocks again to show time is continous and the couple have been broken up for a few days. shot six: the girl in bed wearing different clothes, and the boy eating breakfast in a different costume and both are mid shots. shot seven: split screen of the girl making her bed which will be a long shot, while the camera zooms on lyrics on the boys cereal. shot eight: split screen of a close up of lyrics on the girl's bed and a close up of the boy's cereal with the lyrics ruined by him throwing his spoon into his bowl.

shot nine: the girl drawing her blind and letting the light shine into her room. (a shot we decided on after the storyboard was finished) tracking shot from behind of the girl walking to the bathroom and establish that she is in the bathroom. shot ten: close up of the lyrics stuck to bathroom tiles and then shower over them. shot eleven: three split screen of the girl applying mascara, blusher and her lipstick. shot twelve: close up of both of their feet as they enter the station.
shot thirteen: split screen of the camera tracking the boy and the girl walking into the station and establishing that they are at the station. shot fourteen: split screen of a close up of the train station clock at different times to show that the couple are on different times. shot fifteen: a mid shot of the boy and the girl putting their ticket into the barrier and walking onto the platform. shot sixteen: split screen of the camera tracking the boy and the girl as they walk onto the platform and wait for the train.
shot seventeen: mid shot of the boy on the train texting on his phone. shot eighteen: close up of the girl's phone showing she has one new message from the boy (the person he was texting on the train is the girl). shot nineteen: close up of the phone showing lyrics ('sunrise'). shot twenty: split screen of a mid shot of the boy and the girl travelling on the train both looking around them/out of the window/listening to music etc.

shot twenty one: flashback of a series of photographs of the couple having an argument resulting in the girl slapping the boy and her walking away from him. 'Sunrise' will be written across the flashback because sunrise is the most important word of the song. shot twenty-two: mid shot of the boy getting up and leaving the train. shot twenty-three: tracking shot of the boy walking down the aisle of the train and then getting off the train. shot twenty-four: a mid shot from the sea of the boy walking towards the camera and to finish by him standing by the ocean and thinking. all through shot twenty-two to twenty-four it will be a split screen and the girl will be a continous shot of her still on the train to show that the boy gets to the beach before she does.

shot twenty-five: mid shot of the boy standing at the beach looking out over the ocean looking thoughtful. shot twenty-six: close up of the boy's face and engaging the audience into his expression. shot twenty-five and twenty-six there will be a continous shot of the girl still on the train. shot twenty-seven: split screen of the boy sitting on the beach which will be a long shot and then a tracking shot of the girl getting off the train. shot twenty-eight: a tracking shot of the girl walking down Sheringham high street towards the beach.
shot twenty-nine: a long shot of the boy and the girl finally meeting at the beach but not saying anything to each other but the two of them reflecting on the journey they just took and where their relationship still stands. The last shot will be the two of them looking at each other but not saying anything.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Cheryl Cole - 3 Words

Cheryl Cole - 3 Words (feat. from Burnocchio. Story. on Vimeo.

My production group has watched a few videos including split screens. We were impressed by the smooth split screens used in Cheryl Cole's 3 Words Video because they were smooth and came together and my production group have decided on trying to do a similar thing by making our split screens come together in the same way so they merge together by using two video cameras and placing them side by side so the split screens come into one shot.

Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah

hey there delilah from Jordan Lyles on Vimeo.

The above video is Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah which I remembered the other week so during editing my production group has decided that we will edit our music video similar to Hey There Delilah who use split screen in a modern way and the video is very interesting to watch.

Researching into our initial idea

In my production group we kept note of videos or movies or music videos over the summer that we would want to respond to and these videos have inspired us towards the making of our music video.

The clip above is from (500) Days of Summer directed by Marc Webb. My production group watched the whole movie and were inspired by certain parts like the part when the couple are on the train which we have based our whole music video around. Then the above clip shows where our split screen came from. In the movie Marc Webb shows Expectations and Reality of the main male character, Tom. In our music video we are using the split screen to show the male and female actor not expectations and reality but the actors will be on different times to show they are disjointed.

The above video is a short movie made by Jean-Sebastien Monzani that I found on a blog called See Hear Say. We have taken inspiration from this because he uses signs, captions, and cut out letters to push his video further and we have decided to use this technique but show lyrics on the pieces of paper and other ways to express the lyrics.

The above video is Daniel Powter's Bad Day music video which we watched after watching (500) Days of Summer to research further into split screens and it's uses. Daniel Powter's video has the characters on different times so they never bump into each other which is where we got the idea to leave our characters on different times. A few of our shots our similar to the Daniel Powter video because we start the video with the girl waking up the same way Daniel Powter's girl does and other shots are like Daniel Powter's.

Shot List

*SS; split screen. This shows the time difference between them and the fact that their lives are now separate.

Girl Boy

SS 1). Close up of alarm clock. Close up of his watch
SS 2). Long shot of her waking up. Mid shot eating his breakfast
SS 3). Close up of alarm clock. Close up of his watch
SS 4). Long shot of her waking up. Mid shot eating his breakfast
SS 5). Close up of alarm clock. Close up of watch
SS 6). Long shot, rolling out of bed. Mid shot eating breakfast
SS 7). Long shot of girls back, as she throws duvet up. Close up of cereal, with lyrics written on cereal.
SS 8). Zooms into the lyrics on the sheets. Mid shot of him throwing the spoon into the bowl disrupting the lyrics.
9). Long shot of her opening blind, revealing song lyrics on window.
10). Song lyrics stuck on shower wall, and spray water over lyrics.
SS 11). Close up of her eye, putting mascara on. (shot 11,12,13; split screen just the girl)
SS 12). Close up of cheek, putting blusher on.
SS 13). Close up of lips, putting lipstick on.
SS 14).Close up of feet walking into train st.
Close up of feet walking into train station.
SS 15). Mid shot of back, showing train. Mid shot of back, showing trains.
SS 16). Mid shot showing train st clock. Mid shot if train st clock (different times)
SS 17).Close up of ticket + machine. Close up of ticket + machine.
SS 18). Tracking shot from behind; follow until sat down on the train. Tracking shot from behind;follow until sat down on the train.
19). Mid shot of him texting on his phone.
20). Close up of girl’s phone “1 new Message received”
21).Close up of her phone showing the text; song lyrics.
SS 22). Mid shot, looking out of train window.
Mid shot, looking out of train window.
23). Flashback of images of the day they broke up. Flashback of the day they broke up. (sunrise written across the screen)
24). Mid shot, getting up.
25). Long shot, walking down the train; follow him off the train.
SS 26). Continuous shot, on the train. Close up of waves, zooms into him walking
towards us.
SS 27). Continuous shot, on train. Long shot, hands in his pockets looking out
at the ocean looking thoughtful.
SS 28). Continuous shot, on train. Close up of him looking over his shoulder,
and over his shoulder you see the rocks where they broke up.
SS 29). Follow her back as she gets off the train. Continuous shot of him leaving; includes,walking back up the beach, walking back up sheringham high street, getting on train.
SS 30). Tracking shot from behind as she Continuous shot (see shot 29)
walks along sheringham promenade, then continues the shot as she
descends onto the beach.

SS 31). Mid shot of her sitting by the sea, with her knees up, looking at a photo
of him.

SS 32).Close up of the photo.
SS 33). Long shot, getting up, holding photo to her chest.
SS 34). Long shot from behind, dropping photo into the sea.
SS 35). Close up of the photo in the sea.
SS 36). Long shot of her walking away.
Last continuous shot of him.
37). Close up of lyrics in the sand, being washed away.

By Louise McGee + Laura Lewis. (Typed by Louise McGee)

Shooting Schedule

Date: 17/10/2010
Time: Meet at the train station at 10am and film for as long as we can at the train station and then get the 12:38 train to Sheringham.
Location: The train, the station, and Sheringham Beach.
Cast: Alex Poll and Rebecca Cooper.
Equipment Needed: Video camera, tripod, film camera (to take photos for the flashback), a digital camera (to take photos for the flashback incase the film photos don't come out very well)
Props: Mobile phones, train tickets.
Costumes: Each character will need to wear the same clothes they wear when they leave the house and they will both need to bring plain hoodies for the flashback scene.

What will happen: We will all meet at the train station at 10am and get the Sheringham train at 12:38 so we have enough time to shoot at the train station. We will film all the scenes at the train station, on the train and then the beach. We will have finished the majority of our filming on this day because the beach is the big part of our music video. We will take photos of our flashback scene as well.

Date: 24/10/2010
Time: 9am-11am
Location: My House (In Taverham)
Cast: Alex Poll, Rebecca Cooper
Equipment Needed: Video camera and tripod.
Props: Bowl, cereal, clock and all of the make up needed for the girl's scene where she applies make up. Also paper to write song lyrics on.
Costumes: The girl needs three different tops which resemble tops you would sleep in and the same outfit she wears to film at the beach. The boy needs to bring three different t-shirts and bring the same outfit he wore to the beach as well.

What will happen: We will all meet at my house between 9am until 11am and film all the house scenes with both cast members.

Costumes and Props

Train ticket for the shot when the boy and the girl go through the barrier at the train station.
Blusher for when the girl applies blusher in her bedroom.
A mobile for the boy or girl to text from to each other.
When the girl applies lipstick in her bedroom.
Pyjama bottoms for the girl to wear when she is in bed.
Another mobile for the girl or boy to text from to each other. They will text lyrics to each other. 'Sunrise'.
A black hoodie for the boy to wear during the flashback scene.

Two watches for the actors to check their watches of what the time is. Time is a big theme in our music video.
A clock for the girl's bedroom.
A hoodie for the girl to wear during the flashback scene.
A bowl of cereal for the boy to eat in the breakfast scene.
Mascara for the girl to apply when she is in her bedroom getting ready to go to the beach.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

3 artists to analyse

The 3 artists I have chosen to analyse are Kate Voegele, Laura Marling and the band She & Him (Vocals: Zooey Deschanel).

Kate Voegele

Kate Voegele links to Shannon Hurley vocally. Their voices sound quite similar whereas Laura Marling and She & Him have a distinct sound. Kate Voegele is an american singer/songwriter who has been signed with a few music record companies. One of them was MySpace Records which allows Voegele to be advertised through MySpace which is used mainly by young adults which helps get her music listened to by young people. Kate Voegele also plays a character in the show One Tree Hill and her part is mainly singing which allows viewers of the show to listen to her music. Viewers of One Tree Hill are a range of people but probably more directed at younger people. By looking at Kate Voegele's past tour dates she has toured internationally which allows her to interact with her fans and gives her fans a chance to see her.
Her most recent album 'A Fine Mess' appears to be more commercial and mainstream than the other artists I have chosen but the album cover seems to appeal to a younger audience because the font chosen for her name seems like a grafitti/paint style which could be trying to aim the album at younger audiences but because of the paint style the album could be trying to aim at creative audiences as well. The artist is on the album looking fresh and quite stylish which could be trying to indicate to what audiences would like the album but the album cover doesn't really indicate what sort of music the artist is trying to sell.

'One day I'll turn around, I'll see your hand reach out I'm only fooling myself, yea yea yea But maybe when you smile It means you'd stay awhile Just maybe you'd save me now I'm only foolin myself, yea yea yea I'm only foolin myself.'

Above are lyrics from Kate Voegele's song Only Fooling Myself which are similar to the lyrics of Shannon Hurley's 'Sunrise' because they have the romantic, wanting somebody back feel to them. From these lyrics you can tell that Kate Voegele is trying to gain a female audience because of the romantic/feminine feel to the song. She is trying to interact with her audience by tapping into emotions experienced through a break up so when people listen to the song they can relate and become a fan of the music.

The video above is of an interview with Kate Voegele which shows her interacting with her fans by her answering questions they have sent her. She appears to be a happy, lively person with a lot of ambitions and she seems very professional as well.

Laura Marling

Laura Marling is from Hampshire, England and she is very well known in the London folk scene.
Laura Marling has released two albums and both of them have a very creative edge. Her first album is made up of painted swirls, and other things. Her second album is of her which is similar to Kate Voegele's but the Laura Marling on the album cover is a painted version of herself which seems like a self portrait which again is very artistic. From Laura Marling's album covers she is trying to reach out to a creative audience, and seeing as Laura Marling connects herself to the folk scene she is clearly trying to connect herself to that crowd but maybe bring some of that crowd into other social groups who listen to her music.

'Many trains and many miles Like you to me on this sunny isle What of which you wish to speak Have you come here to rescue me?'

Laura Marling's lyrics are more poetic but have the same romantic feel that Shannon Hurley's and Kate Voegele's do as well. Marling's lryics have a quirky edge so it's a bit harder to relate to her lyrics but they are still similar to Hurley's and Voegele's. 'Have you come to rescue me?' are similar to Voegele's lyrics in wanting someone to be with her, which is similar to Shannon Hurley's again. Vocally Laura Marling has a different style to her voice, but the artists are all similar in their lyrics.
Laura Marling's website is quite arty by the way it's layed out and the choice of fonts and what she shows on her website. Right now her website seems dedicated to her last trip to India whereas other artists would be promoting their new products. Marling is promoting her new album, and tour dates as well but they aren't the sole focus. She is appealing to her audience by showing she is interested in international things and learning new things from different cultures which inspires her audience to gain knowledge like she does.

She & Him

She & Him are an american indie folk band consisting of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward.
She & Him have released two albums (Volume One & Two). Both albums have a creative cover which shows they are trying to appeal to an artsy/indie audience seeing as their music is indie folk they are trying to appeal to the same audience. Their audiences are probably young because of the covers, they are quite creative and younger people in this generation are more creative nowadays.

'Cried all night
Till there was nothin more
What use am I as
A heap on the floor
Heaving devotion
Bbut it's just no good
Taking it hard
Just like you knew I would'

Again, She & Him's lyrics are similar to Laura Marling, and the previous artists. They have a romantic feel and the lyrics seem to be wanting to get back together with someone.

Above is the video of Zooey Deschanel (lead vocals of She & Him) on the shoot for Nylon magazine. Zooey is doing an interview for Nylon magazine which shows she is trying to target audiences who read Nylon who are usually indie/artsy type of young people. In the video Zooey has a quirky sense of style which is appealing to audiences because younger girls look up to her choice in clothes and want to copy that style. Zooey appeals to her audience through her style and her choice of magazine deals.

Why are these artists similar to Shannon Hurley?

These artists are similar to Shannon Hurley because they're lyrics are all saying the same things. The girls who I have chosen all have a quirky sense of style and stand out amongst others which causes younger girls of a particular social group to look up to them. The artists style of singing is different even though bands like She & Him and Laura Marling have a distinct style in their vocals the artists all fit into a 'folksy' kind of scene.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Audience Profile