shot one: split screen of the girl's bedside clock, and the boy's watch. shot two: split screen of the girl in bed while the boy is eating breakfast (both are mid-shots) shot three: another split screen of the girl's bedside clock, and the boy's watch to show a new day. shot four: mid shot of girl in bed wearing different clothes to show that it is another day and the same for the boy who is eating breakfast.

shot five: split screen of the clocks again to show time is continous and the couple have been broken up for a few days. shot six: the girl in bed wearing different clothes, and the boy eating breakfast in a different costume and both are mid shots. shot seven: split screen of the girl making her bed which will be a long shot, while the camera zooms on lyrics on the boys cereal. shot eight: split screen of a close up of lyrics on the girl's bed and a close up of the boy's cereal with the lyrics ruined by him throwing his spoon into his bowl.

shot nine: the girl drawing her blind and letting the light shine into her room. (a shot we decided on after the storyboard was finished) tracking shot from behind of the girl walking to the bathroom and establish that she is in the bathroom. shot ten: close up of the lyrics stuck to bathroom tiles and then shower over them. shot eleven: three split screen of the girl applying mascara, blusher and her lipstick. shot twelve: close up of both of their feet as they enter the station.

shot thirteen: split screen of the camera tracking the boy and the girl walking into the station and establishing that they are at the station. shot fourteen: split screen of a close up of the train station clock at different times to show that the couple are on different times. shot fifteen: a mid shot of the boy and the girl putting their ticket into the barrier and walking onto the platform. shot sixteen: split screen of the camera tracking the boy and the girl as they walk onto the platform and wait for the train.

shot seventeen: mid shot of the boy on the train texting on his phone. shot eighteen: close up of the girl's phone showing she has one new message from the boy (the person he was texting on the train is the girl). shot nineteen: close up of the phone showing lyrics ('sunrise'). shot twenty: split screen of a mid shot of the boy and the girl travelling on the train both looking around them/out of the window/listening to music etc.

shot twenty one: flashback of a series of photographs of the couple having an argument resulting in the girl slapping the boy and her walking away from him. 'Sunrise' will be written across the flashback because sunrise is the most important word of the song. shot twenty-two: mid shot of the boy getting up and leaving the train. shot twenty-three: tracking shot of the boy walking down the aisle of the train and then getting off the train. shot twenty-four: a mid shot from the sea of the boy walking towards the camera and to finish by him standing by the ocean and thinking.
all through shot twenty-two to twenty-four it will be a split screen and the girl will be a continous shot of her still on the train to show that the boy gets to the beach before she does. 
shot twenty-five: mid shot of the boy standing at the beach looking out over the ocean looking thoughtful. shot twenty-six: close up of the boy's face and engaging the audience into his expression.
shot twenty-five and twenty-six there will be a continous shot of the girl still on the train. shot twenty-seven: split screen of the boy sitting on the beach which will be a long shot and then a tracking shot of the girl getting off the train. shot twenty-eight: a tracking shot of the girl walking down Sheringham high street towards the beach.

shot twenty-nine: a long shot of the boy and the girl finally meeting at the beach but not saying anything to each other but the two of them reflecting on the journey they just took and where their relationship still stands. The last shot will be the two of them looking at each other but not saying anything.
Clear and well drawn storyboard and good commentary explaining tracks and use of split screen. I hope you have enough shots.